Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ageing in the rich world: The end of retirement | The Economist

Although the idea that “we are all getting older” is a truism, few governments, employers or individuals have yet come to terms with where longer retirement is heading: the end of the whole concept (see special report). Whether we like it or not, we are going back to the pre-Bismarckian world, where work had no formal stopping point. That reversion will not happen overnight, but preparations should start now—to ensure that when the inevitable happens it is a change for the better.

This has become a very difficult concept to get my parents, aunts and uncles to understand. In my considerations for life, retirement is not really a consideration. I need to have an ever evolving career in which I can be productive, contribute and earn a living until about age 80. This does not mean going back to punching a timeclock and becoming a WalMart greeter in my mind. Keepiong my mind agile and staying up to date on he latest trends and developments in technology is the first leg of this strategy. I am currently the one to introduce new technology to my kids. I need to stay fresh and on the forward loop of development so that this is still true when I have grandkids. Does this change how you look at life? Alter your attitude toward learning? How do you stay connected and fresh?

Posted via web from roguepuppet's posterous

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